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"Birthday Surprise"

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By *rankie31 OP   Man  over a year ago


This story was written as part of a challenge during my enforced lockdown and based on the characters in the dungeon scene in the story Accidental Club Visit.

Well it’s Friday and the day had arrived that Mistress R had been planning for a while. She (that’s Mistress) has been teasing her sub P all week about it.

P showered and dried, as he did so he had to work around the cock-cage he had been wearing for just over a week. His loins were full and his dick ached. Mistress R did not usually make him wear the cage this long and being the wicked Mistress she is, had been teasing P with naughty messages, pictures and voicemails since he had put the cage on. He felt ready to burst.

P had finished dressing when Mistress arrived to collect him and very sternly told him off for not being ready. “You were instructed to wear your blindfold” she snapped. “Bend over the table now and drop your trousers” she ordered, sub P did as he was told. He heard Mistress R fumbling in her bag for something, his ears strained and his fingers grasped the edge of the table. What was Mistress R looking for? “Ahhhh here it is” she said. Almost before Mistress R had finished speaking P jumped as the implement hit hard across his cheeks. P let out a muffled cry as the implement rained down on his arse. He knows if he complains the blows would get harder.

“Count” Mistress demanded. P started to count, one, two, three, four each of the blows hit their mark. The tingling had started; P could feel his cheeks getting warm. Five, six, seven, P jumped with every strike with what he thought must be a paddle. Eight, nine, one more P thought but there was a pause, P waited, his body tensed, he waited for what seemed an eternity, then the final strike hit firmly across both cheeks making him jump. He couldn’t help but moan as he said “Ten”

“I warned you not to show me up tonight and you can’t even be ready for me” Mistress said, she wasn’t amused. P now knew what mood his Mistress was in, a serious one, “Stand up and get dressed” she said as she gently stroked his bare cheeks. P pulled up his boxers and trousers and put on the blindfold. It was one Mistress had got specially for him, sort of a cross between a blindfold and a hood. It covered P’s face and nose but left his mouth clear. It was bright red in colour and had Velcro on the sides which P guessed was for some sort of gag attachment.

P held out his hand for Mistress to guide him outside to her car instead she grabbed his nipple through his shirt and marched him to her car. Mistress sure means business tonight P thought as he felt for the door handle on Mistress’s car. As P got into the car he realised he was being put in the back seat and the car was higher than he expected. As he shut his door he heard the front passenger door open and Mistress getting into the passenger seat. Whose car was this and more to the point who was driving? P put on his seatbelt and Mistress asked him if he was comfortable. “Yes thank you Mistress” P replied although he wasn’t. His pulse was racing, what had Mistress got planned for tonight. P was apprehensive but had agreed to let Mistress take him out for his birthday treat.

P sat in the back of the car in silence wondering who the driver was, he had an idea as Mistress had mentioned a couple of her friends in conversation previously. Was it Greg or Miles? As if Mistress could read P’s mind she then introduced our driver. “This is Gerry” she said “but you will only refer to him as G, do you understand sub?” Gerry (G) who is this? P was thinking. Mistress R had never mentioned him before.

P was trying to get a vision of G in his head. He had a deep voice with an accent, southern, not cockney, much better spoken than that. He was tall. his voice seemed to come from above Mistress R and P could feel the driver’s seat was much further back than the passenger seat.

As the car pulled from the kerb, P tried to work out the direction they were travelling, but the driver seemed to be aware of this and after a number of confusing turns P surrendered to his fate. His two companions were chatting in the front of the car. They talked about everything and nothing, including the weather. G worked in construction, he learned, more office work than manual labour, planning and logistics. Mistress R didn’t mention work at all but then again she rarely did. Mistress R shuffled in her seat and P felt her hand on his knee. “Is your cock still comfortable in its cage,” she asked as she cupped the cage and gave it a tug. “Yes Mistress” replied P having got his breath back. The cage was tight and the tug Mistress gave it brought tears to P’s eyes. Fuck that was sharp, Mistress is definitely in a wicked mood tonight.

P was still trying to work out where they were heading, there wasn’t much noise and the road seemed straighter now. He thought they were on the motorway as the journey was smooth and pretty consistent speed wise. P was unsure how much time had passed before the car slowed down and the voice of the satnav started to give directions. The car rolled to a halt and P was thinking of asking, are we here now but thought it sounded too flippant so decided against it.

“Time to get out sub” Mistress said, P did has he was told. P stood against the car he could feel loose gravel under foot and a smell of freshly cut grass. Do I have my hay fever eye drops he thought? Of all the things to think about, eye drops, really.

Mistress R ran her hands over P’s chest and gave his caged cock another tug. “If you’re good for me tonight, I may remove this cage later, would you like that sub” Mistress asked. “Yes please Mistress” replied P. He could feel his dick aching to be released. Mistress was stood facing her sub, he could feel her breath on his cheek. She whispered in his ear “Be good for me tonight and you will be rewarded, if not I will throw away the key to your cock cage”, With that she kissed him on the cheek and then slipped his collar round his neck and attached a lead. “Come sub” she said, “people are waiting.”

“Can I take your arm Miss R?” P heard G ask, G is a gentleman too then P thought. P’s heart was pounding, his mouth was dry and he felt more than a little uncomfortable as Mistress R led her him towards the noise and music that could heard a little way in front of them. Guess we are going to make a grand entrance where ever we are, P thought.

The noise got louder as we walked, voices could be heard with music playing in the background. Mistress R pulled P close and told him to mind the steps and that there was six of them to climb. P felt the temperature change as they entered the building, the floor felt and sounded like bare floorboards but P guessed it was laminate flooring.

Voices welcomed us at the door, a male and female. They asked for our invites, which were checked before we were allowed in. The male spoke in a deep voice and explained where the cloakroom, toilets and bar were. We were told to ask if we needed a tour or any other help.

The female put her hand on P’s shoulder and whispered “You must be the Birthday Boy then” and kissed him on the cheek before she walked away. She smelt delicious and P started to get a little excited, even though he was still very nervous. We moved on and walked along a corridor Mistress R and G spoke to various people as we did so, some of them touched P fleetingly as they passed. He felt hands and fingers slide over various parts of his body, some more intimate than others. Eventually we entered what must be the bar, P could hear the sound of glasses chinking together and drinks fizzing as they were being opened and poured.

Mistress R pushed P gentle backwards and guided him to a seat; he heard the click of metal as she secured his lead to a ring on the wall. The stool was hard with no padding and quite low down. P felt a wall either side of him, Mistress had sat him in a corner. “Where were we, what have I got myself into” P thought. Mistress R had been a part of P’s life for a few years and he trusted her explicitly. He knew she wouldn’t let him come to any harm. “You are to stay here until I say you can move” Mistress told him “If people speak to you, bow your head and be polite, do you understand”. P responded with of course Mistress. “We are going to mingle but I will be watching you” Mistress said. P heard them moving away but was sure they were still in ear shot, he felt like a schoolboy that had been put in the corner for being naughty. But that, of course, is exactly what Mistress wanted him to feel.

P sat still on the stool, head low but soon he felt conspicuous as though all eyes in the room were looking at him. He felt someone close by and then someone touch him. A finger under P’s chin which lifted his head, the person obviously wanted to see who they were looking at. “Are you a prize tonight, I do hope so” the voice said. “Maybe I will see you later.” The voice was a male, a very camp but polite male. Oh dear P thought, should he reply what should he say. Eventually P blurted out “It’s my birthday”. It’s all he could think of saying at the time; it’s the first think that came into his head. “Well Happy Birthday” the voice said “and by the way my name is Caroline. Come find me later if you can.” Another kiss landed on P’s cheek and the voice said “Goodbye” and moved away. Caroline? That was no Caroline, P thought, I won’t be looking for her later, that’s for sure.

P was trying to sit still on the stool; it was low down and uncomfortable. He tried not to fidget and gently eased his weight from one cheek and then the other. “Numb are you” a voice said. It’s probably a good thing, if you get spanked you won’t feel it as much,” and then there was a laugh. Not just one person but three possibly four. The voices sounded like women, at least P knew he was at a mixed-sex party. Mistress must have put some thought into tonight. “I am Jayne” the voice said and P replied with a stuttered hello. “You look hot and thirsty sat there, would you like a drink” Jayne said. What shall I say, P thought. Am I allowed? Mistress just said don’t move, what shall I say? Before he could reply however P felt a wet finger on his lips gently sliding across them from one side to the other before inserting itself into his mouth. P instinctively licked and sucked the finger dry before it was removed. The finger was long and slender with a long nail which scraped along P’s tongue slowly as it was removed. P recognised the taste of the sweet nectar he had licked from the finger and knew exactly where the finger had been. “Well best go, but I’m sure our paths will cross again later, bye for now P” said Jayne. “Please, don’t go” P replied

P heard the woman walk away, how did Jayne know who he was. The other person what was her name, Caroline said the same. As P was sat thinking, he was jolted back into reality by Mistress R’s voice. “Is my little sub enjoying himself sat there, I have noticed people taking an interest in you, that’s good”

P felt Mistress R clip the lead back onto the collar he was wearing and give it a little tug. “It’s time we had a little fun G, don’t you agree” G was quick to agree and we slowly walked through the bar and out into another corridor. The bar was bustling with lots of people but P didn’t bump into a single person but felt hands and fingers again, touching and stroking him as he walked through the crowd. People were obviously moving for Mistress and her friend as she led the way.

Mistress led P out of the bar and into another room where P was instructed to take off all his cloths except for his boxers. Mistress R had brought some beach shoes for him to wear so he wasn’t barefoot. P changed quickly, he could hear Mistress R and G chatting and giggling, something had amused them. P’s clothes were taken from him and put into what he assumed was a locker, he heard the door shut and what sounded like a key locking it.

“We have a few stairs to walk up P” said Mistress R “However this is an opportunity to show everyone how obedient you are for me, you can crawl, get down on all fours for me”. The stairs were wide with a rail on either side, P did as he was instructed, he wanted to obey his Mistress but didn’t want to cause a scene. He felt the thick carpet on his hands and knees and it smelt fresh and new. Wherever we were it was a nice place. As P crawled up the stairs he felt people touching him again, this time most of the hands were touching his bum, P felt vulnerable but thought this is obviously how subs do get treated. He actually felt comfortable with it, probably because he had the blindfold on and in his mind know body knew him.

Eventually we got to the top of the stairs and there was a loud cheer from the people around. P expected to stand up but Mistress had other ideas, she had her hand on his head keeping him on his hands and knees and from standing.

“Ready sub, let’s go” said Mistress, with that there was another gentle tug on the lead. P was getting use to the gentle commands now and knew the pace to follow at. About another 20 yards down the corridor we turned to enter another room. Mistress R stood P up and positioned him against what felt like a door, she took one hand and strapped it up high and then did the same with the other. “Legs next sub, spread them” she said. P again did as he was instructed. “We will be on the bed in front of you sub, It’s time for G and I to get acquainted. The half door is in place which means people may watch but can only come in if we invite them. Don’t worry you have your cock cage on so people can’t touch you” she laughed as she moved away.

P could hear Mistress and G in front of him, he must be strapped to a cross at the bottom of their bed. He could also hear the people by the door. Mistress R squealed “Your hands are cold” she said. G must have grabbed Mistress again because she let out another squeal. P could hear them kissing, it must have been passionate as the kiss seemed to last forever before. “Your nipples are large and hard R, I love big nipples” G said. “So is this, I love hard cocks too” Mistress replied, P guessed she had found G’s manhood and was playing with it.

P was listening to what was happening on the bed he could hear his Mistress moaning and groaning, her breath was deep and loud. It was odd but exciting listening to them playing. P had not thought of his Mistress with anyone else before. P realised she wasn’t HIS Mistress but he was her sub........

P started to imagine what they were doing, his ears straining for any more information. “Your pussy feels so wet and juicy against my leg R, open your legs a little more, I want to feel it properly” said G. From the noise Mistress made and her gasping deep moans P assumed G had found the right spot. Had he inserted his fingers or found Mistress’s clit, P thought. He had visions of the many times he has rolled and squeezed that large juicy clit between his finger and thumb. R was breathing heavy, short loud deep breaths with long moans in between. P expected his Mistress to orgasm soon. He had heard those moans many times before.

P’s attention was drawn back to the doorway and the subtle creak of the hinges, he could hear shuffling in the corridor and someone walking into the room. “Hi again P, its Jayne” with that she planted a kiss on P’s lips, her tongue exploring its way around P’s mouth, her hand reached out for P’s dick but only found the cage. Jayne tugged and twisted it. “Your Mistress is wicked, tying you here making you listen to her on the bed. You can’t even see them. Ooh he has turned her over P, he is about to fuck her from behind. Oh sorry I probably shouldn’t have told you that should I” With a laugh, Jayne left his side just as quickly as she had appeared.

P again tried to concentrate on what was happening on the bed, however this time his ears were not strained. Mistress was moaning even louder not sure what G was doing but R was certainly enjoying it. “Fuck me G” Mistress shouted “No not yet” G replied and with that there was a loud slap, R squealed. P almost wanted to cover his ears but obviously couldn’t. P sensed more people in the doorway but paid little attention to them. R was obviously the centre of attention; her squeals must have brought people to watch. Each time there was a slap R squealed with delight. P remembered how she had told him how hard she likes being spanked. P didn’t expect she would like it this hard. In between the slaps and squeals R could be heard to be counting, she was up to 10. Someone in the doorway shouted “More” and others cheered.

G must have agreed as another slap sounded out in the room, they got quicker and soon the number 20 was heard, not spoken by R but the on lookers that had been counting. There was a silence, P was waiting to hear his Mistress’s voice, he wanted to know she was alright. Eventually there was another squeal followed by a steady rocking sound. The bed had a squeak, the squeak had a slow rhythm, and in the middle of each pause there was a moan from R. P assumed she was now being fucked from behind, R’s favourite position.

P could feel himself getting aroused and excited listening to what was happening to his Mistress. The rhythm was getting faster and faster, the squeak had turned into screech with a thud, screech thud, screech thud, screech thud. Then there was the moan from R and what sounded like G’s balls slapping against R’s arse and a moan from him too and the occasional slap and squeal too. P wasn’t sure if sound was actually better than vision. He had almost forgotten where he was except being restrained and half naked kept reminding him. P’s dick was pumping but crushed inside the cage, P was shuffling trying to get comfortable but too interested in his Mistress to care about his dick.

The pounding and rocking of the bed was constant now, both R and G were moaning with every thrust, R shouted “Fuck me harder, harder” the response was louder thuds and an almighty shriek from R followed by FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK..... AGHHHHHHHH. G followed suit with his contribution. The sound of laboured breathing filled the room, “Fuck that was fantastic R, hope your sub liked it” “Fuck him” said Mistress R, still fighting to regain her breath, “That was for us” P was happy it was over, but had to admit he had found it very exciting and arousing, his cock was aching just from listening to them. He was thinking of a score in his head as if he was a judge on some naughty television show. It sounded like Mistress R would give it a 10.

“How is my sub doing standing there unable to move, did you enjoy that” Mistress said. “We will be moving you soon so you can stretch your legs” she said. P waited patiently which he had learned to do, he knows it’s the best way to please his Mistress, she doesn’t like it when he shuffles about.

After what seemed an age, there was movement on the bed and P felt someone next to him. It was Mistress R she kissed him on the lips before untying his hands. “You have 2 minutes to stretch or relax, make the most of it sub” said Mistress. She also told sub to count, as she did so she started to spin him round, sub got to eight but then felt a little dizzy. Mistress stopped spinning him and told him to lean on the cross again. P thought this was while he regained his composure but he was wrong, it was so Mistress could turn him round and restrain him again. Both hands were restrained and P spread his legs this time before Mistress asked him to do so. “Not so quick said Mistress, close them, raise one foot” with this Mistress dropped P’s boxers to the floor. “Now the other, good, now you can spread them” P was now naked except for the padlocked cock cage.

P was a little nervous again now, he was wondering why Mistress had removed his boxers but it wasn’t difficult to guess why. P heard G whisper something in R’s ear, “Ok catch you later, have fun” Mistress said.

“Now where were we sub, what should we do with you now, your cheeks are usually red and stinging by now, sorry I have neglected you” she said. “That’s alright” P replied, “sub is glad you had some fun.” Mistress was behind him but he felt her kneel at his side, she cupped his balls in her hand and gave them a squeeze. “They are swollen and full sub, looks like the cage as done its job, sub has pleased his Mistress wearing it for so long, you will be rewarded tonight” said Mistress. P felt a warm breath blowing on the end of his cock, his Mistress was starting to tease him. She twisted his balls making him jump and tense up. Sub had learnt not squeal or complain about the pain, he had to refrain the best he could. Sub felt Mistress trying to get her tongue into the cage, he felt the tip of it on a few occasions. Mistress was only teasing, she stood up using P’s shoulders to pull herself up but sliding her sharp nails down sub’s back as she did so. Her talons duck deep into sub’s cheeks and all the way back to his shoulders, he let out a breath but Mistress wasn’t finished, she continued round to his chest and across it only stopping to squeeze his nipples. Mistress squeezed them hard, harder than P had felt before.

“You have a few onlookers in the doorway sub, I think I will let one of them choose what I do next, what do you think? Mistress said. P knew exactly what Mistress would choose but replied politely that it was her choice and he would accept it without question. “I have three toys sub let’s see what their choice is” said Mistress. There was a brief interlude while the onlookers decided which toy Mistress was to use.

P felt what he thought was the new crop that Mistress had just bought. Mistress traced it up and down subs bum cheeks and under them to his balls. Three sharp quick strikes on his balls confirmed in his mind it was the crop, sub jumped and wriggled. “Wriggle all you like sub, you can’t defend yourself” Mistress R said with a wicked tone in her voice. Next came two strikes, one on each cheek, F**k they were sharp, sub tensed wondering where the next strike would land. He was taken by total surprise when he felt not one but two pin wheels moving up from both his ankles. They were not behind him but in front moving up his shins. “Surprised sub” Mistress whispered in his ear. “Yes Mistress” sub replied. If Mistress was behind him then who was using the pin wheels? They moved simultaneously keeping pace with each other, was it one person or two?

The pin wheels moved up P’s inner thighs, the cross left P almost totally exposed. One wheel was digging deeper than the other, was one person stronger than the other or was it one person with their dominant hand. Why did sub have these thoughts, there was nothing he could do about it. The wheels kept moving across towards his balls, up passed them and up towards his nipples, sub knew exactly where they were heading.

Sub took a deep breath, the wheels went onto his nipples, stopped, then moved back and forth a few times before they stopped all together. “Agggggggghhhhhh” sub couldn’t help but let out a muffled cry. A kiss was planted on each cheek, one gentler than the other. P was right two people. One was wearing perfume he had smelt before earlier tonight. P relaxed, his legs trembling but that was the last thing he should have done.

Mistress asked the onlookers to count for her but where shall we stop. She asked her sub to choose a number, he gave the first number that came into his head, 20, maybe because Mistress had 20 earlier so it seemed fair. “Ok 20 it is then people, are we ready” mistress said. P nodded his head just in case Mistress was talking to him too.

1 the first blow was light and it was with a flogger on P’s cheeks, 2 and 3 followed in quick succession. 4, 5 and 6 rained down on his back, 7, 8, 9 and 10. P took a deep breath, the blows had got harder towards number 10. His cheeks and back were warm and stinging slightly. The onlookers were clapping, obviously enjoying themselves.

“Ready sub, 10 more, these will wake you up” Mistress said. P spoke in a much softer voice “Yes Mistress” Mistress moved closer and whispered in P’s ear “just getting started sub” sub took another deep breath, he found if he did it helped hold in the squeal he so wanted to let out. 4 strikes hit hard on P’s cheeks again, Mistress had definitely got the wrist action correct tonight. 2 more on the shoulder, “F**kkkkkkkk” P bit his tongue to stop himself calling out. Whack, whack across his cheeks again, that is 20 P thought will it stop now. “Relax sub” said Mistress, sub replied by thanking his Mistress for what she had done. P could hear the onlookers clapping and cheering in the doorway.

P could feel Mistress undoing his restraints, was this to be an interval P thought. “Here sub let me help you put your boxers on” Mistress said. P lifted one foot and then the other in order for him to step into his boxers, Mistress pulled them up for him, lifting his balls and cock cage gently to tuck them in P’s boxers. “There you look decent now sub, here have a sip of this” said Mistress. P held out his hand and took the glass Mistress offered. His mouth was dry and the drink was welcomed. P wasn’t sure what it was but it didn’t taste bad and it quenched his thirst.

“It’s almost midnight, its time” said Mistress. P felt the lead being clipped on to his collar again. Well what a night that was P was thinking as Mistress led him out of the room. There was some music playing which we appeared to be heading towards and more people. We entered what sounded like a much larger room, it felt that there was a sort of expanse.

“Ladies and Gentleman, welcome, it’s almost midnight. Can we have our three birthday candidates to the front please” the voice said. Another tug on the lead and we were on the move. We took about fifteen paces to get to where the man was who was speaking.

“Ladies and Gentleman, for those new people amongst us let me explain” said the voice. He went on to explain that it was obviously tradition to give presents on birthdays and tonight was no different.

There were three birthday people two of which celebrated earlier in the week but still were given a bottle of champagne. “Ladies and Gentleman, the third birthday person belongs to Mistress R who most of you have met before. For those of you who haven’t here she is and she has brought along her sub P tonight, on his first visit. And what a visit it will be” the voice said. “Will be” thought P, its midnight. The voice started again “Mistress R wanted her sub to have a great night, not only because it is his birthday but his first visit to a club. He is no longer a Club Virgin” with that there was a round of applause. “The clocks about to strike midnight, let’s all embarrass sub P by singing Happy Birthday” said the man and the singing started. P stood still his head bowed. All he could think about right now was not to show Mistress R up.

The birthday song finish with another round of applause and the man spoke again. “As I said Mistress R wanted this to be a special night for her sub, I mean if you can’t treat a sub on their birthday when can you” this brought a few laughs and cheers from the crowd. Well here is the special bit. As you know Mistress R asked you all to contribute towards a charity tonight, a charity that her sub will choose. The charity and the total amount will remain undisclosed but I can say you have raised almost a £1000. So now its time to pick a winner of this evenings star prize.

The winner is “JAYNE”

Mistress R kissed P on the cheek and whispered in his ear “Have fun, I’ll meet you by the main doors at closing time. Hope you have had a good start to your birthday.”

There was a whisper in P’s ear “Don’t worry P Mistress R gave me the key to your cock cage, who knows I may even release your cock If you’re a good sub for me too” said Jayne.

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By *luttyguy132Man  over a year ago


keep going!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A great read for yr first attempt at writing.... Fills my brief perfectly.... Hope u enjoyed the challenge of writing it too.....

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By *rednWilma40Couple  over a year ago

Costa Blanca / Torrevieja

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By *rankie31 OP   Man  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 19/11/20 09:36:12]

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By *rankie31 OP   Man  over a year ago


Thank you

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By *uliette500Woman  over a year ago


You can't stop there. We need part 2.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Very good, has to be more now

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By *akes handymanMan  over a year ago

In the Lakes

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Very good felt like I was a onlooker by the door you need to do part 2 now

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Excellent tale , hope part two is very soon.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *otLover321Woman  over a year ago

long eaton

A great read. Really enjoyed it . Are you doing a part 2 babe?

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By *rankie31 OP   Man  over a year ago


Watch this space lol

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By *Little Lou-Woman  over a year ago


Very good babe... I want to go to that club!! Lol xx

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By *rankie31 OP   Man  over a year ago


For those that asked for more, here is the next part to my story.

Check for more this week.....

P was standing there numb thinking about what he had experienced tonight, his thoughts were all over the place. He kept thinking he was in a dream and would wake from it but he didn’t, this was real, it was really happening right now. He couldn’t believe what Mistress R had arranged for him and the planning she must have had to do to make it happen. He had promised her one day he would attend a club with her but never in his wildest dreams did he think it would be like it had been tonight. A Birthday he would remember forever and it wasn’t over yet.

P was brought back to reality by his substitute Mistress, Jayne. She gave a gentle tug on his lead and said “follow me P, let’s go and find somewhere where we can have fun and get acquainted”

Jayne kept P on a close lead; he could feel her close by and occasionally bumped into her as they walked along. “Ah, here is an empty room where we can have a little privacy P, what do you think to that” Jayne asked, “Whatever pleases you Jayne” P replied. P felt a hand on his chest that stopped him from walking any further and the lead drop by his side, and then he heard the door close behind him. “Come P, come and sit with me” said Jayne as she took his hand and led him across the room. Using the lead she pulled him down next to her, not onto a couch like he had expected but onto the floor next to what felt like a leather couch Jayne must have been sitting on. She then removed his lead.

Jayne was close, very close, he could smell her perfume, the perfume he had smelt earlier in the evening and he could feel a leg next to him, and a foot. The foot had a shoe on it with a tall thin heel; P could feel the strap and a buckle rubbing against his hand. He wanted to move his hand away but kept it still not daring to move it.

“You must be thirsty P” said Jayne, the same words P had heard from her earlier that night. This time however P felt a glass being put into his hand. “Enjoy it P, I think you have earned it tonight” Jayne said. P thanked Jayne, keeping his head low he took sips from the glass. It was a whiskey, P wasn’t sure which brand, he didn’t really care but it tasted like JD, it had a soft smooth blend. There was a single piece of ice in the glass which P kept feeling against his lips as he sipped on the whisky. It didn’t take long to finish the drink, not that it was a small measure, but P was dry and thirsty. He wondered if he had been rude drinking it so quickly but Jayne didn’t comment as she took the glass out of his hand instead she told P to stand and face her.

P got to his feet; the whiskey was stronger than he thought, he felt a little dizzy as he stood up. He turned towards where he thought Jayne was but must have been wrong as he felt her hands on his hips and a twisting motion to turn him slightly. “Drop your boxers P” Jayne instructed. P instantly did as he was told and then stood there wondering what was in store for him. “Mmmmm” Jayne hummed, as she did P felt her warm hand cup under his balls and lift his caged cock up. Her sharp nails ran from under his scrotum up and over his balls. P could feel Jayne moving the cage around as if she was looking how to unlock it, he was about to be released he thought. How wrong he was, Jayne shoved what was left of the ice cube into the cock cage. It wedged itself precisely on the tip of P’s penis making him jump and pull away. “Stand still P” said Jayne as she pulled on his balls to move him closer. “Is it cold” she taunted, here let me breathe on it and melt it for you. P stood there his legs ridged as he felt the warm breath of Jayne teasing him. His manhood started to stir and twitch involuntary; it started to grow hard but had nowhere to grow inside the restriction of the cage.

After a few minutes of teasing P Jayne stood up and tugged on the cage to lead him. He was told to stand and raise both hands, he felt soft rope being tied around them and then his hands were tugged up above his head. Next P felt a strap being wrapped first around one ankle then the other. “Spread your legs for me” Jayne instructed, P did just has he was told. He then heard a clip of some sort being fastened to each strap in turn, his legs were spread wide and his feet now secured to the floor, P couldn’t move.

Jayne taunted P again with another tug on his balls and then told him it was time to have some fun, “comfortable?” she asked. P replied that he was. Her voice was softer than Mistress R; she spoke quieter and whispered in P’s ear at times while gently trailing her fingers across his body.

“I have 10 items with me P but only 5 of them we will use, and you get to choose which 5. When you’re ready P, your first number, I hope you feel lucky” said Jayne. P replied quickly with “lucky 7”, he then heard Jayne move away momentarily to collect something. When she returned she walked around P a couple of times dragging her nails across his chest and back as she circled his body. Then it landed, Whack, firmly across the cheeks of P’s bum. P jumped and wriggled, that was hard, so much for the soft voice he thought. Whack, Whack, Whack, three more strikes across P’s cheeks all in the same spot. His cheeks were smarting and tingling already. P braced himself for the next blow but instead of it being on his cheeks it was on his balls. Tap tap tap repeatedly on his balls, not too hard but hard enough to make him jump every time there was contact. P tried helplessly to twist away from what he thought must be a paddle but it was useless, he was secured too well. This went on for what seemed ages but probably was less than a minute. When Jayne stopped she asked P for another number, he chose number 5. “Good choice P” Mistress said and with that she removed the blindfold.

P struggled to open his eyes; the light though dim appeared bright to P as he had been wearing the blindfold for a number of hours. His eyes flickered as they tried to get accustomed to the light again and focus, he was also slightly nervous as to what he would see.

Stood in front of him was Jayne, P remembered the instructions given by Mistress R and immediately lowered his gaze to the floor. Jayne was gorgeous, slim with a well proportioned figure dressed in a red basque with stockings and shoes to match, she looked tall but that was probably the heels she was wearing. P kept trying to catch a glimpse of Jayne as she moved around him; her bum was neat and petite, a bum any man would die for. As Jayne stood in front of P he could see the naked flesh between her stocking tops and the basque, it was tanned Jayne obviously liked the sun.

“Give me another number P” Jayne said, P took a little while to reply but went with number 3. “Ah another good choice, your luck is definitely in tonight P” said Jayne, “It’s the key”. P hoped it was the key to his cock cage; his manhood had been squashed in it for a long time and was getting a little uncomfortable straining trying to find its way out. Jayne knelt down in front of P and slowly inserted the key into the lock that would release the metal cage which imprisoned P’s dick.

P felt a little embarrassed as his dick again started to involuntary twitch and jump as if it knew it was about to be released. Was that the case or was it because P was able to see a pair of firm heaving breasts that looked like they were squeezed into a garment 2 sizes too small for them.

Jayne turned the key and the padlock opened. As it was removed P’s dick pushed the cage apart and Jayne had to catch it as it dropped off the end of his now free manhood. Jayne gave it a tug and a stroke saying “ I bet that feels better, it’s not right to be locked up too long is it P, and with that gave his now growing dick a kiss on the end before sliding her mouth all the way down his shaft. P could feel his dick quickly getting erect. Jayne let her mouth slide up and down his shaft a few times before pulling away, P pushed his hips forward trying to aim his dick for Jayne’s mouth but she slapped the end of it firmly saying “don’t forget where you are P, I think it’s time for another number” Jayne said. P apologised profusely to Jayne for his behaviour before choosing Number 4. Jayne looked at P with a grin on her face and said “Oh dear P, it looks like your luck as just run out”

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Red hot

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By *otLover321Woman  over a year ago

long eaton

Cant wait to read more

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By *uliette500Woman  over a year ago


Loving this. Keep going.

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By *rankie31 OP   Man  over a year ago


Jayne encircled sub P again dragging her sharp nails across his back and chest, this time they were digging in a little harder and dragging across his nipples too. P shuddered, wriggled and writhed under Jayne’s finger tips as she teased him, she could see just how much P liked (or hated) what she was doing and teased some more.

Jayne started to tweak and twist P’s nipples, pulling and stretching them before turning to her toy collection again for item number 4, she returned with two items. “You look puzzled” said Jayne, “Don’t worry, I haven’t lost count, but I need to make your nipples erect before fitting these don’t I” as she said this she dropped what P could now see were nipple clams on a chain.

Jayne moved in close and kissed P on the neck but at the same time ran the pinwheel up the inside of his thigh just missing his throbbing dick, F**K that was close thought P. He clenched his teeth as the razor sharp spikes dug into his skin as the wheel turned and moved up his body. It stopped just short of his nipple and P drew a breath, whilst there was pain with the pinwheel P found it excited him and accentuated his senses. The pause was short the wheel started to turn again and it scored a direct hit straight over his left nipple and was now heading for his right one. P tensed as the wheel ran directly over the right nipple. P exhaled deeply as the pain eased but the wheel was then rolled back and forth over the same nipple a number of times. P then felt a clamp being applied to the now erect and tender nipple; it took P’s breath as it clamped hard squeezing the nipple tight.

“That’s one on” said Jayne and immediately attacked the left nipple in the same way before applying the second clamp. P was now panting, his nerve ends tingling with both pain and excitement. His legs aching from being tense, for a moment they went weak and P was supported from the rope around his hands above him. His nipples were tingling and throbbing.

“What’s your last Number going to be then P; we have had 3, 4, 5 and 7. I think you should choose a number between 5 and 7” Jayne said. P thought about it and said “6 please Jayne” wise choice she replied, with that Jayne started to released P from all of his restraints but having lowered his hands from above him left his wrists tied. Jayne led P across towards the couch but instead of sitting on the couch Jayne sat P down on the edge of a large sturdy wooden table. She pushed him backwards until he was lying flat, his head was positioned in a carved hollow in the table, she then spread his legs and secured them to metal rings on the side of the table, then followed suit with his hands, finally the blindfold was replaced which put P back into near darkness again.

P heard Jayne shuffling behind him then heard the buzzing sound of what he thought was a vibrator. Jayne put one hand on P’s chest; he could hear her breathing had changed. She was playing with herself, she must be, it couldn’t be anything else. Jayne’s breathing got faster and she had started to moan too, her nails had started to dig deep into P’s chest. His dick was now throbbing and twitching with every moan he heard from Jayne.

The buzzing stopped, Jayne was still moaning as she climbed onto the table. P felt her straddle him in the 69 position, she shuffled backwards towards his face. He could feel her leaving a warm trail of her juices on his chest, she moved back far enough for her to put her pussy over P’s mouth. He didn’t need and instructions to know what Jayne wanted next, he was more than happy to oblige her. P eagerly lapped up her juices, his tongue diving deep inside her pussy, in and out, in and out. He then turned his attention to her clit, searching it out with his tongue, when he found it he sucked it into his mouth and nibbled on it with his teeth.

Jayne by now was rubbing her pussy on P’s face, there were times he struggled to breath but Jayne instinctively lifted herself up before grinding her pussy again on P’s tongue. It wasn’t long before Jayne was telling P to lick her harder “Don’t stop” she yelled, P had no intention of doing that. Jayne then let out a gasp and squeal has she shouted “I am cuming, don’t you f**cking stop” with that she shuddered with her orgasm over P’s face, he lapped up as much of the sweet tasting nectar as he could before Jayne moved off his face.

Jayne didn’t stop there though she turned her attention to P’s dick which was lying erect and twitching on his stomach. She grasped it tight in her hand squeezing it hard. P felt her hot breath as her mouth sank over the top of it taking all of his length in one go. That was the last thing P expected, Jayne’s mouth moved up and down P’s shaft with a steady rhythm picking up speed on each stroke. Then without warning she stopped and moved round she was squatting over P, he could feel those high heel shoes next to his hips. She started to rub the tip of his dick over her clit and came again almost straight away. She then lowered herself directly onto his dick, not slowly, one quick smooth movement and P’s erect dick was deep inside her.

Jayne started to move up and down P’s shaft each time she lowered herself it got a little harder and faster. Jayne and P were starting to pant; P was thrusting up to meet Jayne’s downward motion as hard as she was lowering herself. P could feel himself building up inside, Jayne was too P could tell she was near, this only excited him more. Jayne let out another squeal as she bounced wildly on top of P, her nails digging into his chest. P felt more of Jayne’s warm juices on his cock and running down between his legs. Then unexpectedly Jayne climbed off P and took his dick in her hand and started to wank it. There was no mercy she licked his cock, took it deep in her mouth and then moved up and down sucking it as fast as she could.

It didn’t take P long to feel himself about to explode. Jayne raised her head and wanked him hard. P could sense Jayne looking at him; he was now wriggling and writhing on the table. “F**k, I am cuming” he shouted, with that he exploded. His orgasm was fantastic; he felt his sperm start to shoot and at the same time Jayne taking his dick back in her mouth, his orgasm seemed to last forever while Jayne sucked and licked him dry. P eventually collapsed on the table his legs shuddering, he was spent.

Jayne released P from his restraints and told P to stand up “better clean you up a little” she said, she then cleaned his face with a wipe then knelt down to clean P dick, she was very attentive and her touch was tender. “Best get you dressed and return you to Mistress R, it’s time to go I am afraid” Jayne said. P was surprised when Jayne knelt down in front of him again and started to fit his cock cage, she helped him into his boxers before clipping on his lead. Finally she gave him a passionate kiss and thanked him for a wonderful night before tugging on his lead and heading off to meet Mistress R.

Jayne led P down the corridor, the same one he was made to crawl along by Mistress R when he arrived much earlier in the evening. Mistress R was waiting by the open door as P was lead downstairs by his temporary Mistress, his boxers and blindfold the only things on his near naked body. "Thanks for the loan of your sub, Miss R, I really need to find a permanent one of my own." Jayne handed the lead over, reaching up to P's cheek and trailing her nail down his cheek, "Hope our paths will cross again sometime soon." He felt her move away, her scent retreating from his nostrils and the cold fresh air from the open door replacing it. The cold air made him realise the heat that emitted from his well whipped body, he shivered.

A car horn sounded, Mistress R bid farewell to the remaining revellers and lead P outside to the waiting car. As he slid into the back seat, a warm blanket was slipped around his shoulders, a respite from the cold leather of the seat. His seat belt was adjusted around him, his body relaxing. P felt a slight surprise as his Mistress joined him in the back seat; he expected to spend the journey alone, while she travelled up front with her friend.

The car pulled away, music filled the silence. He could feel the heat from his Mistress's body, his natural instinct was to snuggle close and drift off to sleep.

P was unsure how long he'd slept, the car was travelling slowly so must be nearing home, he thought. He moved slightly in his seat, feeling the softness of a female form under the blanket with him. He smiled silently.

Dawn was breaking in the sky as the car drew up to the kerb outside his house. P heard the door open and fingers of colder air reaching for his heated skin. The car suspension moved as the driver alighted, soft voices reached his ears as G helped his Mistress out of the car, retrieving a small bag from the boot and dropping it on P's doorstep.

Soft hands released his seat belt and held his hands as he alighted onto the kerb. A sudden realisation dawned; he was outside his house, virtually naked...... A panic rushed through him, the hands holding him gripped reassuringly, he was safe, his Mistress would keep him safe.

He vaguely heard G saying his farewells, and hearing his own voice hoarsely reply, but his ears strained for noises on the street. "Come on then, let's get you inside. Hold my arm and I'll guide you." A dog barked in the distance - P would be so glad to get inside.....

P woke to the sound of the dustbin lorry outside the house, he ached all over from his exertions the previous evening. A warmth from the other side of the bed told him he wasn't alone, Mistress had stayed the night. P smiled, he thought he'd dreamed the hands that caressed him as he slept, but the evidence of the reality lay before him. His cock twitched, unusually free of its cage in her presence, P was unsure what to do. Should he wake her? He moved carefully in the bed to look at the clock by the bed, the daylight through the curtains and the rumble of his tummy telling him it must be nearly lunch time. His movements were stopped short, still collared, his lead was firmly attached to the headboard of the bed. Shit, dare I release it?

After one final glance at her sleeping form, he reached for the collar, silently unclipping the lead, he needed coffee and he was sure Mistress would be happy to be woken by a caffeine fix.

Pulling on his boxers and a bath robe, P headed to the stairs and headed silently down to the kitchen. The kettle hummed into life at the touch of his hand, mugs quickly filled with instant coffee, P waited.

A clatter from outside reminded him that his dustbin needed collecting from the kerb, he'd could quickly retrieve it while the kettle boiled, he thought. Slipping his feet into some shoes, he pulled the robe tighter around his body and opened the side door. The street appeared empty, P walked down the paved path to the kerb, grabbed the bin and was ready to return to the house when a voice startled him, stopping him in his tracks. He turned, vaguely recognised the petite blonde gazing back at him. She was new to the area and he often saw her walking her dog, which was currently sat obediently at her feet.

"Hi I'm Trudy, sorry if I startled you. Didn't expect you to be around so early after your late night last night. At least you're a bit more dressed now. Nice collar." Her hand reached up to the tag that hung there, "Property of Mistress R, maybe I need a chat with her soon."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *uliette500Woman  over a year ago


Ooooh do I detect a sequel? I hope so.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sub P need to be used by many misteress as he needs to be taken past his boundaries more & more as time goes by

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *otLover321Woman  over a year ago

long eaton

Wow really enjoyed this. When are we going to that club

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By *akes handymanMan  over a year ago

In the Lakes

Hmmm was Trudy at the club maybe?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fabulous story more pleas

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By *rankie31 OP   Man  over a year ago


Maybe ?

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By *rankie31 OP   Man  over a year ago


Thinking of follow up story.

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By *akes handymanMan  over a year ago

In the Lakes

"Thinking of follow up story."

Do follow it up please

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By *ohn1953Man  over a year ago


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